Wednesday, July 28, 2010

Beginning Training

In the next few weeks I will be starting to train, not just for the AT ( if it takes me 4 years there is a problem), but for next year Maroon Bells 4 Day Loop hike.

A few friends and myself have come up with a weight loss plan that actually will work. It is all based on money. We have started a central account for a Vegas trip next year. We pay ourselves to lose weight, if we only lose gain a pound in a week we pay ourselves double, if we gain more than one pound in a week we have to pay a $15.00 penalty to go into the other players account.
( I do NOT want to pay for other peoples trip to Vegas so I will certainly try my best to not do that.

Anyway, next week I will be climbing the Manitou Springs incline. The goal is to start doing that twice a week through the fall. It really ought to burn quite a bit of calories as well as get my legs in shape for ski and snowshoe season this year. Below is the link....not an easy feat..

The Maroon Bells loop is something I have wanted to do since I first moved to is tough 3-4 day backpacking trip. Besides my gear I will be loaded down with a camera. So it is worthy of really training for. Next summer besides Maroon Bells I want to hike at least 2 of the Fourteeners. That is my goal. Below is the Maroon Bells Loop....

SO here we go...I can't wait. At the moment Jeff and I are doing Maroon Bells, we may pick up another person or two. We will be picky about who goes though. They have to have equipment, and they must be able to handle it. I will not deal with a bunch of whining in close quarters like that. But our friend Lisa has expressed interest in going, and I am sure Clinton and Pam would go as well. We will see. I am perfectly fine if it ends up with just us two.

I have made my "want list"...I have decided to go with a backpacking hammock for this hike as well as the AT. As long as we always come down from above treeline, I should have no problem. But most people don't stay above treeline anyway for too long. I am also buying an Excalibur I can start playing with menus and such. I have an old dehydrator that my mom got me years ago, but really need a new one.

Cam here I go - the beginning has begun! Can't wait.